Vegfest (HK)

'''''': community project to create the biggest resource for and by vegans and vegetarians under a free license.

Hong Kong Vegfest is a festival that will include exhibits from healthy living and eco-friendly entities, non-profits organizations, speakers and presentations, fun and games for kids, vegan pet food, vegan food and healthcare products, raw vegan culinary institute, restaurant booths; environmental and humane education, movie screening, live music and entertainment.

Hong Kong Vegfest welcomes all who want to learn more about protecting our health, the planet, and its inhabitants. You can promote your business or group to thousands of people who want to learn more about veganism and the many products and services that support a veg-friendly and eco-friendly way of life.

素食嘉年華簡介 素食生活為我們帶來無窮好處,素食也成為潮流,席捲全球。跨進新時代,去年舉辦的首屆素食嘉年華活動各界支持,出席人數眾多,為作為主辦者的各個素食團體帶來很大的鼓舞,全城期待第三屆嘉年華將於2016年10月10日上午10時至下午4時舉行。


