Café Ariman

'''''': community project to create the biggest resource for and by vegans and vegetarians under a free license.


  1. display_point:

coordinates=55.7032727, 13.1935733 | zoom=14 | height=300 | width=300 }} coordinates::55.7032727, 13.1935733

Restaurant name: Café Ariman

Address: address::Kungsgatan 2C In city::Lund

Cuisine type: Vegness::Veg-friendly Yellow check.svg

Website: website::

Phone number: (+46) 46-13 12 63

Opening times: Mon: 11.00 - 00.00, tue-thu: 11.00 - 01.00, fri-sat: 11.00 - 03.00, sun: 15.00 - 23.00

Last checked

last checked::2013/12/26 (please change the date if your visit was more recent)



Ariman is a café situated in Lund's city centre who serves a bunch of different foods, such as pies and soups. They serve meat, but they also have vegetarian and some vegan alternatives - both on food and cakes. At night it turns into a bar/club sort of thing with beer and loads of people. /Lasse Bark
