How to read a veganwiki article

'''''': community project to create the biggest resource for and by vegans and vegetarians under a free license.
Revision as of 08:00, 12 September 2015 by Huggi (talk | contribs) (initial readers manifesto)
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Dear new Veganwiki reader, welcome to "our world".

As our name already says, it's a Wiki-system for interested readers and editors, which come and act in "good faith".

We don't judge anyone on it's origin, reason for being a:

Most of the active editors here at Veganwiki are also part of Wikipedia and we believe that they are doing "in general" a good job, but of course the focus of Wikipedia is being an free-access, free-content Internet encyclopedia, supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.

Our goals include for example, but not exclusively:

  • Becoming a reliable source for Vegangs
  • Not replicating anything which is available in Wikipedia
  • In general our editing is "vegan", at least "vegetarian" and some content might contain also the topic of Animals or Animal products, we're not a "certified vegan" website yet :)
  • Help people with Veganism in mind to understand some topics better and find loads of Vegan resources, which you might not find somewhere else.

How to read a Veganwiki article

After this intro, I would like to give a simple example what you can find on a good Veganwiki article, some are basic but we don't try to include outdated information or something you could find in Wikipedia.

Veganwiki Topic

Based on the topic, the editor or a group of editors contribute their views to this topic in a "neutral perspective", it's okay to add also some crazy ideas or concepts, we're happy to learn. But please respect the basic goals we try to reach with your help. If one person has a different view, please don't play "kindergarten games" and try to correct the other. If there is something fundamentally wrong, try to use consensus and use the discussion/talk-page on every article. If possible add references to the stuff you write, try to understand the core principles of Wikipedia which is to only provide reliable information. Please don't have any hard feelings when you edit at Veganwiki, we wanna enjoy the editing and we wanna be proud of the community working together and not against each other.

See also

Basically all "general articles" contain a "see also" section, if there is a similar article available within Veganwiki, we will mention it there. Also if the topic is related to a List, it is visible there for e.g. List of vegetarian organizations. Another item we are using the most is the reference to Wikipedia, these are all links in the "see also" section wich start with "Wikipedia:". We believe that Wikipedia can help us saving lots of time with basic definitions of information and also general overviews. Sometimes it's only relevant to the Vegan community or the Wiki article has a different topic, but please make use of any existing Wikipedia article which might be useful in relation to the topic.

External links

As we are not payed editors or spamers, we would like to use Links to external resources only on a limited basis. We're working on some basic tools to make sure that these external links are working everywhere, but of course there are human errors, outages, moves, unpaved websites and whatnot, but please add external links, not a link farm or spam (we see that and we don't tolerate that).


Said that, not everything we write is written in stone. If there are major misunderstandings, please let us know and don't fight against us, we are in general open to listen and we trust in you and providing "respect", "good faith" to the Veganwiki community.

As you can see on this page, there is the article which you can edit via the "edit" / "edit via form" button or you can click to the "discussion" page and add your comment there.

I would like to say thank you for your time reading and respecting these basic, simple rules at Veganwiki. Thank you very much! --Huggi (talk) 08:00, 12 September 2015 (CEST)

See also