
'''''': community project to create the biggest resource for and by vegans and vegetarians under a free license.
Revision as of 02:48, 22 December 2013 by Guaka (talk | contribs) ({{city}})

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Vegan-friendly shops




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Add restaurant

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More info


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add a new place in {{{country}}}?

Vegan chocolate ice cream in one of Taipei's Loving Hut restaurants.
Vegan burger in Loving Hut restaurant.
Vegan pizza in Veggie Joy restaurant.

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. The city has a very wide selection of vegan-friendly restaurants, and vegan food (such as soy or almond milk, instant noodles, ice cream, cookies, cans of mock meat, etc.) can be easily found in most stores and super markets. Food stalls on the street sometimes also have a few things suitable for vegans. As in other places in Taiwan, vegetarian restaurants very often have "素食" sign near them, and vegan food in stores usually has "純素" or "全素" written on the package.

Eating out

  • Loving Hut Guangfu (106 台北市大安區光復南路280巷30號, map). One of the best of several Loving Hut restaurants in Taipei. Wide selection of dishes, many vegan desserts (cakes, ice creams), good price.
  • Veggie Joy (台北市中華路196之一號, map). Tasty vegan fast food. Serves several kinds of pizzas, burgers.
